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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2013

you were yellow :)

I know you have a colour,    that once I thought was yellow. So I wrote and drew lots of line in yellow. At that time, I felt like my world turns to yellow. All about yellow. Shining and cheering. Made me can’t stop smiling day by day Geez. Why I claimed so fast at that time? How could it be so different now? Yes, may be I've missunderstood your tone, but, who cares? Eventhough your color is gray , I'd still need it to complete my rainbows . You brought colors into my life, sumber foto :,,

Timetable when I was a junior! :) (created by Chusna, Iffah, Ida, and Intan at Kharisma Bangsa)

Designing your circle. A full-circle

taken from : "Alchemist" (Coelho) taken from : SFD (Woods-Bonfanti) "When you're drawing your circle, design a full one. One day, you are responsible to complete it."

KULIAH DIMANA ? (Dear Doctors)

Perbincangan mengenai fakultas, kini mulai terdengar dimana-mana. Ya di kelas, kantin, musholla, asrama, dinning hall, kamar mandi, bahkan topik ini masih jadi trending topic sebelum tidur sembari kami nepuk-nepukin bantal. YA. Dilema memilih fakultas mulai menjangkiti kehidupan kami, kelas 12. Pertanyaan yang belakangan ini mengiang di telinga kami ya apalagi kalau ngga ini : Mau kuliaah dimana ntar?   Dimana ya. Em, yang jauh enak juga kayaknya.. Em, jangan jauh2 juga, ntar susah. Tapi.. eh....mending... tapi.....uugg.... GATAU GAJELAAAS~~~ Gyaaaaaaaa. Meski udah mulai kupikirin dan mulai nentuin dari kelas sebelas kemarin tetep aja kehidupan perkuliahan itu masih ngawang. Mengambang di awang-awang. Mau ambil jurusan apa?             Oh itu. Oh.. Itusih kalau aku bakal milih.....               ...